Example of using DAL

	 * This example demonstrates the basics of using DAL
	 * The database used for this example is very simple
	 * create table users (
	 *   id int,
	 *   name char(20)
	 * );
	 * @package dal

	include "class_dal.phps";

	 * First create a new object of the class DAL
	$foo = new dal;
	 * Second select the driver we want to use
	 * (in this case the postgres driver)

	 * Tell everybody which driver we are using.
	echo "<h1> DAL Demonstration </h1>";
	echo "<p>Now using driver: " . $foo->getDriverName();
	echo "</p>";

	 * Select configuration "conf2"
	if (!$foo->selectConfiguration("conf2")) {
	  echo "<p>$foo->lastError";

	 * Select database test
	 * If anything goes wrong echo the error message.
	if (!$foo->selectDatabase("dal_database")) {
	  echo $foo->lastError;

	 * Select everything from users.
	 * If anything goes wrong echo the error message.
	 * If there are results try to fetch them as an object.
	echo "<p>select max(id) from users;</p>";
	 * Ok, msql doesn't understand the max function so it
	 * if we are using that driver we need a more simple
	 * sql statement
	if (preg_match("/msql/i", $foo->getDriverName())) {
		$query = "select id from users order by id desc";
	else {
		$query = "select max(id) as maxid from users";

	if (!$foo->executeQuery($query)) {
		echo $foo->lastError;
		$i = 0;
	else {
		echo "<p>Rowcount : $foo->rowcount<br>";
	  $bar = $foo->fetchObject();

		if ($bar == NULL) {
			echo $foo->lastError;
		else {
		  echo "<p>We got the object: ";

			if (preg_match("/msql/i", $foo->getDriverName())) {
				$i = $bar->id;
			else {
				$i = $bar->maxid;


	 * Insert into users some values.
	 * If anything goes wrong echo the error message.
	echo "<p>insert into users values ($i, 'testuser');";

	if (!$foo->executeQuery("insert into users values ($i, 'testuser')")) {
		echo $foo->lastError;
	else {
		echo "<p>Rowcount: $foo->rowcount<br>";

	  $bar = $foo->fetchObject();

		if ($bar == NULL) {
			echo "<p> \$bar seems to be null, let's see why: ";
			echo $foo->lastError;


	 * Let's select some rows and show the different fetching methods

	echo "<h1> Fetching stuff </h1>";
	if (!$foo->executeQuery("select * from users")) {
		echo $foo->lastError;
	else {
	  echo "<h3> Fetching an associative array </h3>";
		$bar = $foo->fetchArray();
		echo "<p>";

		echo "<h3> Fetching an enumerated array </h3>";
		$bar = $foo->fetchRow();
		echo "<p>";

		echo "<h3> Fetching an object </h3>";
		$bar = $foo->fetchObject();
		echo "<p>";

	 * Hmmm... what did we last inserted to the database ?
	echo "<h2> Last insert on the database </h2>";
	echo "<p>";

	echo "<h2> Last autogenerated id </h2>";
	echo "<p>";

	echo "<h2>custom error Handler</h2>";

	 * Set a custom error handler
	 * and make sure we get an error.




	function myErrorHandler($errormessage)
		echo "<p>Custom error: $errormessage";